Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Running into 2009

I know I haven't posted for a little while. Just a quick update. I did participate in the Folkestone half marathon but didn't run it nearly as well as I thought I should. I ran 2:05, which was 8 minutes outside my best.

Since then I have gone into the gym to build up my body and put on a few kilos. My goal for next year is to get around 80kg by the end of 2009 (just weighed myself now, 71kg) and hold the weight too. So for the next while running will take a backburner. As friends tell me running and bodybuilding don't mix! I am hoping to go back to 10km runs and work on my speed and stamina at that distance in 2009.

I raised about 1300 pounds for Macmillan Cancer Support. Still I need to find out exactly how much I raised...

I've not heard anything from the organisers for the 2009 London Marathon. So I am going to assume I have been balloted out.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Feeling good

I ran 12 miles in just under 1hr 50mins on Friday evening. Well it was more like a jog than running whilst breathing normally. Felt good. Now hopefully a half-marathon is on the agenda in a couple weeks of time in Folkestone. Still trying to work out when I can.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Running Update

Well I've been on-off running. I run a couple of days and then go a week without running. So lacking a bit of inconsistency there. Working is mostly to blame for this. But it probably doesn't help neither socialising and hence drinking.
I'm currently just about getting over the 60 minute mark. The last two runs on Sunday and Monday were 80 and 60 respectively. Perhaps I overdid it really since I hadn't run since the previous Tuesday and now my right achilles is sore.
I am trying to build up upper body strength by doing some light weights. I will probably venture into a gym at some point.
No real plans on future runs at this stage. Possibly the Folkestone half-marathon. But the same old story, it'll probably come too soon for my liking. It's less than 3 weeks away.

Monday, 14 July 2008

Faster, Faster

After a bit of niggle in my right leg, I've been slowly getting back into running. I ran twice on consecutive days last week and I took part in the Run for Moore/Life 5k on Sunday and did it really quick that I am not convinced it was 5k (20:15). Monday, I did run for about 30 minutes but I didn't time it! My housemates walked around the 5k course in just over 40 minutes, which is good for them!

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

2 races in 2 days

Well I completed two 5-mile runs over the last weekend. The first was the Harvel 5, which was in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, I got a lift down. Even though the weather conditions were great, i.e. it was sunny. It had rained previously, so there were puddles of mud over the course. I got soaked a couple of times by splashers and eventually got bogged down, attempting to run at comfortable cruising but fast speed. I still managed at time of 37:09.
Next day was the Eltham 5, which I did last year in 39:43 after little training. I felt nowhere as good as the day before and went fairly even pace and kicked the final mile. I ran it in 39:08. However, I did lose about 30-40 seconds, tying up my shoelaces.
Tuesday, I ran again in Dartford Roadrunners handicap. But now I am not so well handicapped after probably running too hard on the time trial that I finished in 3rd. Still finished 10th though despite everything.

Future runs. Well for Dartford Roadrunners, it would be the half marathon in July. I need to step up training for that. But I am may well do a couple of 10K runs with friends in Staplehurst/Rochester.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Back running again.

When I decided to run home a couple days for about 30 minutes carrying a rucksack and tonight, I did get the chance to join the crew at running club due to work commitments. However, I did set about cruising at a quick pace where I didn't get overly breathless. I think I lasted for about 40 minutes but getting a little tired but I think I continued at nice pace. I did a course that I usually do about 3-4 minutes faster than usual, so hopefully I am improving my speed-stamina. I ran on a little bit more, so I did about 55 minutes of running.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Running again

Well I've been feeling a bit lazy. But mostly been busy at work. A good run yesterday saw me do over 10k in 50 minutes. Hopefully more runs to come.

Monday, 14 April 2008

The marathon itself!

Well I have been mostly getting over the stiffness from running that marathon.

On the day, a couple of workmates came down with me and we made our way to the start. I got there about 15 minutes after the start but of course I had to get myself properly equipped and put everything that I didn't need in storage. I took my time about this as I wanted to start as late as possible. I started about 10:15am.
The intention was to walk with my workmates to 3 miles but after about 400m, I could see they were not keeping up and I lost them. (I phoned up later to find out where they went). So I walked on as I had planned to meet some more people at Woolwich at 11am. When I got there, I dumped my windjacket and other odds and sods.

The one thing absolutely key to marathon running is all the support you get from supporters on the route. Now I had my name printed on my vest. So there were a lot of shouts for my name. Also the mere fact I was carrying an inflatable guitar with me, enticed remarks like "play us a song/tune?" After a number of attempts, I finally warbled out "Valerie" that shut a few people up!

The race for me really began at Woolwich. But the heavens really opened when I got to Greenwich (6 miles) and I splashed my left shoe and got that a little soaked. When I got to around 10 miles, my legs started to feel a bit heavy. My carbs have disappeared? The only explanation I can figure out was the day before travelling around London picking up my marathon registration and taking photos of key places had tired me out. Out came the fruit pastilles, which helped a bit.

New problem came at 12 miles, when I felt like a pee. I got a bit anxious thinking where was it. When I got there, there was a long queue for about 10-12 portable loos. I had to wait another 10-12 minutes there. Continued onwards to Westferry station where I stopped to see my housemates. I went on but my stride was shortening. I was actually surprised I managed to keep going for another few miles at such a slow pace. I had to stop again for another potty break at 19 miles. Now I was really going slowly after that.

Then smack! my legs hit the wall just after 21 miles. It looked to me as if I would be walking the final 5 miles.
22 miles seemed to take forever. This was going to take too long. From somewhere, I managed to raise a gallop. I was geeing myself up but slapping my guitar as if I was a jockey whipping a racehorse. I was also pumping my fist trying to get the adrenaline flowing. You know what it actually worked and this got me to about 600m from the finish, where my legs really turned jelly and I noticed that was running as fast as people were walking. Housemate phones me up as I crossed the line and I gave him a running commentary as a rhino galloped past much to my annoyance!

After gathering my things, I went to meet my parents. By this time, cramp really kicked in and I popped in to see the people at St John's Ambulance. Top people, the girl there gave a nice thigh massage, which helped for about 30 minutes (they stiffened up again). After that, we went to a chinese restaurant. I later heard that Gordon Ramsey wanted a fry-up after his marathon run. Nothing like greasy food after a long hard run!

So there you have it, my first marathon! It turns out I did in 5 hours and 42 minutes. But during the run, it became clear the task was survival, which was never really in question.
In hindsight, I had a troubled training regime and the fact I didn't know I was running in it until two months did not help neither, so I guess I should be thankful I made it.

The lesson here is my training regime next time would be to have a 4-6 month plan.
In the meantime, I am going to be running shorter runs for forseeable future. That said I have applied for next year's marathon, which sod's law will say I will get in as I don't really want to do it next year;)

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Couple of days left...

I've not updated for such a long time. Well I've been relaxing and winding down my training. My last run was the previous Tuesday (April 1st) where I jogged about 6 miles with Dartford Roadrunners. I've been mostly walking. I walked the final mile of the marathon on Sunday and walked with my housemate on Wednesday.

Thursday, I have been stuffing myself with mostly carbs, as I try to overload myself and store some energy for the marathon. I've had 4 bowls of maize, a huge buffet and chicken and hash browns for dinner. I weighed myself and I am now 69kg. If I can get another 1kg plus on before the race then I'll be more than happy.

I should think about picking up my registration at the Excel centre as well.

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Run down

Just to let you know, I've not run since that 19 mile effort last Monday. I was feeling progressive worse during the week so much that on Thursday, I forced myself out of bed, showered and looked absolutely pasty that my boss told me I could go at lunchtime if I wanted to. I declined. Friday, I couldn't get out of bed after 8 hours sleep, called in sick. I had a bit of flu, but after resting all day and Saturday, I did manage to go out. I will train tomorrow though. One last week of training but I won't be running 20 miles at a time, though I am still considering the work-to-home project.

Monday, 24 March 2008

Catchup wrap (24/3/2008)

What I've not updated this for a few days. Anyways Easter holidays has almost passed. I did plan to run the full trip sometime over the Easter period but things have not quite worked out to plan. I did run 7.5 miles slowly in very windy conditions on Good Friday but felt tired, stopped at 1hr 12 mins. Been out and about over the weekend and managed to get in a run today, once again tried to see how far I can last out. I went at reasonable speed then started to go a bit quicker. I reached the same stage as Friday nearly 5 minutes quicker. In fact when I got to Surrey Quays (half-marathon trip) I was there bang on 2 hours. But then my legs started to die badly at 15 miles and really had nothing to give at about 2hr 50mins. So I can't seem to break 18 miles at this stage. I did walk about a couple of miles though so made to 20, I guess. But with 20 days left until the marathon. I have got big problems.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Daily Wrap (18/3/2008)

Weather not great yesterday so no training then. Weather not much better today. However, forced myself out to see the folks at Dartford Roadrunners. This time it was sprint training where I did a reasonably quick 400m, followed by a rest and then a 200m sprint and then a jog/rest for another 200m. I did 6 circuits but I was blowing hard after 4 or 5. Not too bad. I was passing a number of people on the 400m stretch and I figure reverting back 10km and 10 mile races may well be the way forward. We also did about a mile jogging there and back. So about 5 miles altogether but an intense 5 miles. I've gone back to my usual diet of fruit in the morning and protein/carbs during the day. I had a sausage/egg/bacon breakfast, chicken and chips for dinner. Lovely.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Daily Wrap (16/3/2008)

Quiet day, really, woke up sore. Weather was awful. Only had a few bits and pieces today.

Circle Line Challenge

The rules were changed at the last minute because I worked out it would have taken 8.5Km to run from Aldgate to Notting Hill Gate direct. So it was changed so that I would have to pass through every station on the circle line from the two points. Plus I had no map to guide me. The latter point perhaps proving the key to this challenge. As I got lost about three times, getting to Farringdon, King's Cross and Bayswater. As a consequence, I ended traveling further than I should, possibly 9 miles in the end. I finished up running for 1hr 25. My housemate completed one loop of the circle line in 55 minutes and finished his course in 1:22:30.
We later went to Nando's in the O2 stadium. Also had caesar salad, sushi and wonton soup.

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Catchup Wrap (12/3/2008 - 15/3/2008)

Not a lot to report really. Been trying to eat more times during the day. I think I am fed up with pasta. I eat pasta salads so slowly. Generally, I have been eating cottage pies, chicken, soups, fruit and veg. Not had time to exercise. Work getting in the way slightly and also been trying to get more sponsors. I've gotten some support some family and friends. So I do feel a bit better about myself.

Today will the be Circle Line Challenge. Not sure if I mentioned the background to this. But many many years ago (possibly 1993), I challenged Chris the transport know-it-all that I could beat him getting around London without going through Zone 1 by bus. He did it in 6 hours and I did it in 4.5 hours. So today is effectively is rematch. I realised that Aldgate to Notting Hill is in fact 7.5 miles and not 8.5 miles, which does mean I think do I have an advantage. However, I've decided to negate that advantage by not taking a map. Hmm in fact, I may have misread it totally, it's 8.5km. Hmm just thought of a new rule for myself, I must pass through every station on the way to Notting Hill.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Daily Wrap (11/3/2008)

I finally got round to training with Dartford Roadrunners. It is a little bit of a mission getting there from Dartford station, particularly I had only 15 minutes to get there. So a light jog there. Anyways met some friendly people there. One guy I was talking to whilst warming up was new there. Anyways tonight was a time trial. I ran with someone for a lap. I went nice and easy and stretched on the second lap around Dartford town centre. I ended up finishing 4th. Much to my musement and luck, apparently there was some medals for finishing in the first three. John, the guy I warmed up with came first!
Mind you it was a short trip. I did 3 miles in about 23 minutes. I did some more running afterwards. I did about 5-6 miles in the end.

Still trying to eat like a pig. It's hard work honestly. I had a sausage in a roll, cottage pie, two sausage rolls, doritos, pasta salad, egg/macaroni/chicken/green beans.

Monday, 10 March 2008

Daily Wrap (10/3/2008)

I've been eating like mad today. I had weetabix minis for breakfast with some fruit (strawberries, blackberries, bananas). Then I had some sushi and baked potato with chili with a cup of tea. I had a twirl bar. I had more strawberries. I had a lucozade. I finished my sushi and then I had a milkshake. I only ate a chicken breast and some macaroni.

Weekend Wrap (9/3/2008)

I didn't too much on Saturday. In fact I was tired and didn't eat much. Sunday wasn't that much better though I did eventually have run and ran for a couple of hours (13.5 miles) but got tired and soaked again after a walk of a further couple of miles.

Friday, 7 March 2008

Daily Wrap (7/3/2008)

Not been feeling well. I've mostly felt tired and today I felt like death and grouchy. Particularly as I got a nice soaking after a quick downpour in the morning. Possibly I may need to rethink my eat anything strategy. My throat is dry. My feet are sore. I am still concerned about raising funds for charity.

Exercising/Running: -
Food: Cottage Pie, Fruit, Beef in black bean sauce with rice, Chicken and baked potatoes

Daily Wrap (6/3/2008)

Exercising/Running: -
Food: Weetabix mini, cottage pie, lasgne/chips, scrambled eggs, veg/rice, porridge

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Daily Wrap (5/3/2008)

Nothing to really report here. Resting my feet atm.
Exercising: -
Running: -
Food: weetabix minis, milk, cottage pie, crisps, fruit, Subway, cookie, chicken and sweet potato.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Daily Wrap (4/3/2008)

Still have a slight niggle on the right foot once more and besides went out tonight but managed to jog back from work and back from going out.

Exercising: -
Running: 50 minutes jogging (in total)
Food: Cottage Pie, Won ton soup, Fruit, Chicken'n'chips

Monday, 3 March 2008

Daily Wrap (3/3/2008)

Taking it easy today. Not in the best of moods, as I can't find my keys atm. I reckon I was so tired the other day when I got in from the last run that I placed it anywhere, which could be anywhere in the house.

Exercising: 100 sit-ups
Running: -
Food: Weetabix Minis, English Breakfast, Noodles, KFC, Milk

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Daily Wrap (2/3/2008)

Happy mother's day to one and all. Hope you are good to your mother. I'm taking mine for some Vietnamese in Greenwich. I've already been there once today as "Benjy-vs-Wind Part II" went ahead. Another windy morning, today. Perhaps slightly calmer than yesterday. And today's tactic was just roll with the wind really and not fight it. Forget the time too. It didn't help I still felt a bit tired.

Interestingly, the exact same thing happened today that happened last Saturday. I had to stop as I felt pinching in my shoe at about the 7:30 mark (<1 mile). This is a really quick adjustment and I was ok. I needed to retie my laces though at about 13 miles. Once again I felt good at about 6 miles but my legs gradually got heavier and heavier. A couple of other runners passed me by at about 8 miles. One thing I really don't like is people passing me by. It's not their fault of course but I tend to lose my rhythm (and concentration) slightly either trying to keep up or thinking I am doing good, am I?
I got to Greenwich and decided to run round what would have been the Cutty Sark for a little extra mileage. My legs were gradually get heavier and heavier and I possibly felt the wall as felt I like stopping from about 14 to 15 miles onwards. But to use a paradox, I was really slowing down fast. I kept telling myself, "don't give up" and managed to get to the same point (excluding the cutty sark excursion) as last Saturday but I was running at the speed I use walk at, absolutely all at sea. So it was about 17.5 miles in almost 3 hours. Not bad as I wasn't feeling at all fresh. Not good as I wanted to push on to 20 miles at least.

Exercising: -
Running: 3 hours (17.5 miles)
Food: err... 2 mars refuel shakes, 2 lucozades... man that's crap so far... (tbc)

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Daily Wrap (1/3/2008)

Well it's been very windy and believe me running in the blustery conditions is quite tough. I felt really tired as well and got fed up after 25 minutes running when my shoelaces came undone coming up a hill.

Running: 25 minutes (3 miles), 30 minutes walking.
Food: Egg, Harvester, Pasta.

Friday, 29 February 2008

Daily Wrap (29/2/2008)

Dartford Roadrunners dropped a letter (after my 10 mile run in January) asking whether I was interested in joining. That's a possibility as I was already thinking about that. Their training session would be a bit of mission getting to on time. I would have to run just even get there! However they are pretty cheap and looking past the marathon, I would like to do other activities aside from running, this may well be the way forward.

Exercising: -
Running: -
Food: Weetabix minis, milk, chinese buffet, macaroni/tomatoes/eggs.

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Daily Wrap (28/02/2008)

Played badminton. Still struggling to get anyone to sponsor me. I am losing heart slightly :(

Exercising: 100 sit-ups, badminton (1 hour)
Running: -
Food: Milk, weetabix mini, chinese buffet, chicken, sweet potato, broccoli on rice

Daily Wrap (27/02/2008)

Felt tired after running over 9 miles. After 22 minutes bumped into my housemate. Then jogged for 5 minutes and ran on for another 55 minutes.

Exercising: 100 sit-ups, 10 minute weights
Running: 75 minutes running, 10 minutes jogging (9.5 miles)
Food: Milk, Weetabix Mini, Baked Potato with Chicken/Bacon/Spring onion, Prawns and beans

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Daily Wrap (26/2/2008)

I am slowly getting disillusioned about the marathon. It's not the actually running that's the problem. It's partly raising the funds. It's kind of stalled at the moment. It's also consuming a lot of my time. Today was just awful, case in point I snapped at someone for saying that they wouldn't sponsor me. Though later I explained the reason behind the marathon, I think he understood.
The earlier mentioned 'Circle Line Challenge' looks to have possibly hit the buffers because after a word with Macmillan, they suggest that I would need permission from the station and if I were to do any kind of public collection I would probably need a permit from the local authorities. I probably still do it anyways as a practice run.
Also when I got stuck on the way home, so I didn't get home to nearly 8:30pm. So that wrecked any chance of training tonight. I did get time to spend with my cat though. Like I said I've not had time for many other things.
I've raised so far 400 pounds and I don't see it climbing quickly. Help!

Exercising: 200 sit-ups
Running: 25 minute walking
Food: Milk/eggs, Weetabix minis, Quarter pounder with cheese meal, Caesar Salad, Chicken Kiev and baked potato.

Circle Line Challenge

Well this was something that was going to a personal event between me and my good friend, Chris.
The challenge is simply what is faster the tube or my feet... It is actually a little more involved than that. Chris will travel on the circle line a complete loop from Aldgate to Notting Hill station (i.e. one and half times round). On the other hand, I will run directly from Aldgate to Notting Hill station. First one there wins.

There are forefeits too. If I lose then I have to travel a complete loop of the circle line. If Chris loses, he has to walk from Notting Hill to a later agreed place.

I was hoping someone, anyone could stand around at Notting Hill station for us... Maybe do a collection.

Monday, 25 February 2008

Daily Wrap (25/2/2008)

Another more base mileage this evening. I did an hour's run. I felt quick and pretty good, so it could have been 7.5 or 8 miles tonight. I went different route. Been trying to eat more times a day too

Exercise: -
Running: 1 hour (7.5 miles)
Food: Special K/Fruit; Cornish Pasty; Chili on rice; Chicken Pasta Salad; Sushi/Twiglets/Milk

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Sponsor me please!!!

Well you can now sponsor me online at: As you may know all proceeds are going to Macmillan Cancer Support S0 tell your friends, tell everyone about it! Any amount is appreciated!

Daily Wrap (24/2/2008)

Well I went out and didn't get home until 5am and didn't wake up until 1:30pm. No ill effects from yesterday so far. I did even go for a light jog but I did make the mistake of changing my top and got nipple burns after a couple of miles. (I got nipple burns from clubbing too)

So last week I ended up running a total of 44 miles, which is huge and yesterday's 17 miles is 3 miles further than I have ever run before, so not too bad.

Exercising: 200 sit-ups, 60 crunches
Running: 20 minutes running, 20 minutes walking
Food: English breakfast, Macaroni, err mum's trini cooking (chicken)

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Daily Wrap (23/2/2008)

Well today I take the advice of a dartford harrier runner and just go for it and see how far I go. I didn't sleep that well the night before. It may surprise a few people but I don't think people have been that supportive. Remarks saying "you are crazy for doing this" or "you going to get injured" or "you need to train this way" or "you need to stick to a schedule" or "you're just weird" have started getting to me. You know how it is, you start telling someone that you can't do this then you get a negative mindset and hence a slightly sleepless night. Also if you have read all the posts, things have not gone quite to plan schedule-wise with a few niggles. So yes I know I have to train, yes I have a way to do things and yes I have taken on-board some advice.
The bottom line the person who ultimately known my body best is *me*. I should really ignore the negativity because I started this knowing I can do this. I still *know* I can do this.

Anyways, all I need is some positive support, thank you.

With that in mind, I woke up feeling not that great at 8am. So I just tried to lightly ease myself in the mood with a few stretches. Only had some water and some actimel before deciding to just run.

You should always feel comfortable or as comfortable as possible when you run and after just 7 minutes, I realised this was not the case as I felt pinching in my left shoe, so I stopped and adjusted my shoe and took my time about this (5 minutes) before getting it right.

So I started for real and things didn't look to be going well as my legs felt heavy after just 1 or 2 miles. Maybe the week's activities of getting some base mileage was starting to get to me. I thought if I could just get pass 30 miles for the week (4 miles) then I would ok. I started to feel a bit better when I got to about 30 minutes, so I decided to continue this little venture. Like the other night, I told myself to relax and after 60 minutes, I started to get into a nice rhythm. That was probably the best I felt in the entire run. By this stage, I found myself in Woolwich and now joined what would be part of the route for the London Marathon. I manage to kept on going all the way to Greenwich...

In a way, it reminded me of a 10 mile run I did in 2007 where I felt really sick beforehand but still went ahead and did a PB at that time.

Whilst running, you need to keep oneself amused and mentally stimulated. Now normally I would be running with my ipod shuffle but I didn't have that with me. So just looking at the scenery keeps me sane. One thing I noticed a lot of pubs have closed. A number of them are just boarded up. I saw a couple of billboards for Macmillan Cancer Support and Lily Cole advertising Marks & Sparks. I was amazed to see a Thomson Prometric testing centre in Charlton of all places.

Continuing on, I nearly smacked into some old guy who was not looking where he was going when leaving a newsagents in Greenwich. I skidded badly but fortunately stayed upright. These are the sort of perils you have to deal with running in London! I started to head back for home from Greenwich and kept going. An interesting point was I got to a sign that said "Woolwich Ferry 1 1/4m". So I decided to time myself. I may have picked my legs at this stage as I got to the ferry in exactly 10 minutes (7.5mph or 8min/mile), which is too quick after running 2 hours at that point. Either that or the sign is slightly inaccurate. I was started to dragged my feet a bit and decided to finish up at Abbey Wood station. Towards the end of the run, some guy decided he wanted to run with me. He was asking me how I was keeping on going. I kept repeating myself "Carbs". I don't think I understood. However he did understand when I said I had been running for 2 hours and left me alone. But that little bit of encouragement kept me going... Which could well be very useful at say the 25 mile stage in the main event. I ran for 2:35 (excluding the 7 minute start) which in total is just over 17 miles.

To rest, I needed to get some protein asap and I gobbled down a mars refuel chocolate shake. Absolutely yummy that was! I was a stiff afterwards I couldn't run though walking is not a problem.

If I was fresh I could run it quicker or longer but this is a really good base to work from and am very much back on my schedule.

To top things off, I went clubbing with a family friend that I said I would go for their birthday.

Exercising: dancing (kinda)
Running: 2:40 (11 miles to Greenwich; 6.2 miles to Abbey Wood)
Food: Paprika chicken and potatoes, green beans and brocolli (lunch), chicken briyani (dinner), turkey/ham subway (late-night)

Friday, 22 February 2008

Daily Wrap (22/2/2008)

Not much to report, took the day off work to see family and eat loads.

Exercising: 200 sit-ups, 50 crunches, 10 minute weights
Running: -
Food: Current buns (breakfast), Baked Potato (lunch), Dim Sum (lunch), pesto pasta salad

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Daily Wrap (21/2/2008)

Well today was all about the food really. I went to a new all you can eat buffer called "Real China" and then I shared a hearty seafood platter for dinner. I played badminton with workmates and some random people too. Friday is definitely a rest day in more ways than one.

Exercising: 150 sit-ups, 50 crunches, badminton (105 minutes)
Running: -
Food: Special K (breakfast), Buffet (lunch), Seafood platter + wine (dinner)

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Daily Wrap (20/2/2008)

Today seemed like a long day and felt dead tired when I got home. So I relaxed before I ran. I ran for slightly more than 8 miles this time for 70 minutes. Today I was wearing my inner soles as opposed to yesterday where I ran without them. I still getting used to them as my left arch felt warm at about 45 minutes again and possibly this week's training caught up with me slightly as I was literally jogging towards the end. Note that I finished after 10pm so not much in the eating stakes to restore some energy. Yes I succumbed to KFC and that fully loaded zinger meal.
Anyways going to take it easy until Saturday. I am playing badminton tomorrow with workmates. I probably won't be as sharp for that.

Exercising: 150 sit-ups, 50 crunches
Running: 70 minutes running (8 miles), 25 minutes walking
Food: Dunn's River Nourishment (100g), Special K (breakfast); Baked potato with chili con carne (lunch); Beef Salad (tea); KFC (dinner).

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Daily Wrap (18/2/2008)

Today I went and dropped in on Dartford Harriers for a little session and see what they get up to. They do all sorts of running from short distances to long. I went with a few guys road-running in the end. And yes I came sixth of six. They went too quick for me, I was struggling to keep up. In fact so quick, I probably did a PB for 10k in the process as I apparently ended up doing 7 miles in just 54 minutes, which is about 7:40 per mile. Funny thing was I was getting into a rhythm towards the end when I told myself to relax and run your own way. I got tonnes of advice on running and tactics. So a little bit wiser.
Still that totals 18.5 miles in base mileage for the last 3 days. That's not bad. I am going to try and keep that level until the end of the week, then do one massive run on Saturday.

Also looked at gaining weight but this probably for after the marathon as it says you shouldn't mix goals. Also looking at diets. Essentially, the general consensus is I need to eat more complex carbs. There is still a little confusion about simple and complex carbs. I don't think I am eating nearly enough at the moment, particularly in the afternoon.

So far I have raised 330 pounds... Target is 1900.

Exercising: 200 sit-ups, 50 crunches
Running: 55 minutes (7 miles)
Food: Special K & Fruit Salad (breakfast); Chicken Pasta Salad (lunch 1); Cottage pie, beans & chips (lunch 2); Baked potato, Macaroni, 2 egg whites, Caesar Salad (Dinner)

Monday, 18 February 2008

Daily Wrap (18/2/2008)

Well been told I shouldn't eat too much protein as I shouldn't really be lugging extra weight round. Yesterday's misfortune make have been for the best as I tried to run again. I ran for 55 minutes before I got a slight irritation on my left foot and also wanted to leave something for tomorrow. Hopefully now I have adjusted to my inner soles. As a sidenote, I've worked why I didn't like them in the first place. I was wearing them in my black shoes which evidently are too big and loose for my feet.

Exercising: 250 sit-ups, 15 minutes dumbbells
Running: 55 minutes (6.5 miles)
Food: A little Dunn's river nourishment, Sizzling beef on noodles (lunch 1), Pot noodle (lunch 2), Fruit, skimmed milk and omega 3 eggs.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Daily Wrap (17/2/2008)

Today was the day I was going to go as far as I can and hopefully run 12 miles. Things didn't go to plan at all. I went out with a bag of clothes and ran with that for 35 minutes when I dropped that off. I continued on but unfortunately after 45 minutes, I noticed a sharp tearing pain under my left foot. I stopped and then massaged my feet and realised that's it. I walked back to my folks home and found a red spot (start of a blister). You see what's happened, it's the first time I've run with orthopedic insoles and must be just breaking into them. I walked back home in the end.

Exercising: 120 sit-ups
Running: 50 minutes jog, 50 minutes walk
Food: English Breakfast, Paprika Potatoes and Macaroni (lunch), Pork and tofu and cucumber (dinner)

Daily Wrap (16/2/2008)

Spent Saturday, sleeping, cooking, shopping and washing up. Feet almost better.

Exercise: 250 sit-ups, 15 minute dumbbells
Running: -
Food: Chocolate Nutrition drink, Paprika potatoes and macaroni (lunch), M&S Salmon Pasta Salad (lunch), grilled salmon (dinner)

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Daily Wrap (15/2/2008)

I felt really slow getting up in the morning but fortunately the shower was fixed and I kind of needed it, thanks guys. My right foot still has a niggle.
A lady from Macmillan contacted me to ask if I got my pack and what time I might finish the marathon (so the organisers can place me somewhere at the start).
I printed off some more sponsorship forms and told work about the marathon project. I got a few useful tidbits of advice from a couple of people who have done a lot of gym work and know one or two things about eating right for exercising. Essentially, I need to eat more carbs and vary it a bit but eat them at the right time. I probably will try to eat pasta/potatoes during the daytime. So I can burn that off later in the day. I should also have protein crucially after training to repair and recover. Also I should have protein before I go to bed and when I get up because during sleep, you don't eat therefore you possibly don't recuperate as well and carbs will just settle in your body during sleep.
I didn't run but I did go for 25 minute walk with my housemate, who suggested that she'd like to do more walks. I actually normally do a 25 minute walk getting into work as well. I have a pair of orthopedic insoles that I bought ages ago but for some reason it didn't go down well with me. This time around it was ok. Maybe it was shoes I put it in last time allowed the insole to move and therefore push again the arches of my feet, which was uncomfortable.

Exercise: -
Running: 25 minute walk
Food: Special K (breakfast), Beef in black bean sauce and rice (lunch), Chicken breasts, egg whites, mushrooms, corn (dinner)

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Daily Wrap (14/2/2008)

Happy valentines to all your lovers out there! Spare a thought for little old me. Sitting at work until late and then going home to an empty bed, lol! But mostly spare a though for my feet. The pain is practically gone but I can feel I could aggravate if I train too soon, so no running once again today. I may run tomorrow but probably Saturday seems the safe option.

I got my charity pack from Macmillan. I'll have to look into it more. But there's some good ideas to raise some cash for them. Crucially, there is a sponsorship form in there so going to photocopy that and distribute to my family (especially my mum *smile*).

Exercise: 100 sit-ups
Running: -
Food: Special K (breakfast), Baked potato with chicken/bacon/spring onion (lunch), Beef/veg soup, tuna and corn (dinner).

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Daily Wrap (13/2/2008)

Balls of my feet still a bit sore, particularly my right foot. I will get an arch insole for support as I have flat feet. Dr Scholl's have a set of insoles as do dreamy feet, yourfootcare, foothealthcare.
It did get better later on and there was nothing wrong when I did Jazzercise. Jazzercise is a bit of a mix of dancing, exercising and even weights. I was asked to participate for an event raising cash for British Heart Foundation. It wasn't too bad there's some useful exercises (particularly abdominal stretches and weights).

Exercise: 250 sit-ups, 10-minute dumbbells, 60-minute jazzercise
Running: 10-minute jog
Food: Special K and fruit salad (breakfast), baked potato with chicken/bacon and tomato soup(lunch), scrambled egg/mushroom and macaroni (dinner).

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Daily Wrap (12/2/2008)

Today has been an awful day for running. The weather has been foggy all day, so running could be quite dangerous as I do most of my training road-running. Aside from that, I was feeling quite tired (possibly jet-lag) when I got home but perhaps the show-stopper is I have a little bit of pain on the balls of my feet this morning. It was something I picked up after a run on holiday but I was fine yesterday. I hope this is not going to be a recurring problem!

Tomorrow, I am due take part in a local charity jazzercise event for a good friend of mine. So once again no running tomorrow, so much for the base mileage training at the moment.

Exercise: 200 sit-ups, 5-minute dumbbells
Running: -
Food: Special K / Fruit Salad (breakfast), Green pepper/beef with rice and a melon slice (lunch), pan-fried chicken and caesar salad (dinner)

Running is good for you!

The main reason why I run is to actually de-stress and usually I feel a lot better after a run. BBC have caught on this fact as they profile former 2-time world snooker champion Ronnie O'Sullivan as a man who uses running to beat off depression.

Monday, 11 February 2008

Running Plans

Naturally, I will have to find an extra 16 miles from what I am currently doing. So the running schedule is probably as follows for my stamina runs...

Feb 17: 12 miles
Feb 24: 14 miles
Mar 1: 16 miles
Mar 8: 18 miles
Mar 15: 20 miles
Mar 22: 22 miles
Mar 29: 24 miles
Apr 6: 26 miles
Apr 13: London Marathon

Daily Wrap (11/2/2008)

Today was my first day back at work after a vacation in lovely Trinidad where I did mostly relax. Mind you, I did stand on my legs for about 7 hours at the carnival... if you can call it training. I ran 10 laps (1/2 mile each) around a local track and believe me training in different conditions can make a different because I was exhausted after the 10 laps.

I did run for an hour but tried to conserve as much energy as possible, as I am trying to build a base mileage, which for whatever reason I've never quite done before. I usually do run around 20 miles a week over the course of the last year but it can be more but can also be a lot less.

I am going to try and eat more pasta, more fruit and more lean meat.

Exercise: 200 sit-ups, 5-minute dumbbells
Running: 60 minute jog
Food: Chili con carne on rice (lunch), Steamed veg on rice (dinner), fruit between meals

Story so far...

Just quickly give you a background on what I have accomplished so far running-wise and my most recent activities.
I have been running for a number of years. My first run was in the Nike Run London in 2003. I started doing a number of runs from 2005 onwards. I've recently moved up in distance from 10k to 10 miles and half-marathons.
Last January, I restarted training and competed in the Dartford 10 mile race.
I have been running up to 10 miles in training sessions to this point, thinking I wasn't entered in the London Marathon. Last week, I found out I had to confirm my place with Macmillan Cancer Support, which I did. So I am in!

About runbenjyrun!

Welcome to my runbenjyrun (or run fatboy run if you feel inclined). The main reason for starting a blog here and now is that I've recently confirmed a place in the Flora London Marathon which is on April 13th 2008. The place is with the good people at Macmillan Cancer Support who help look after people who have been affected by cancer. After experiencing the effect first hand of cancer on someone close to me last year, it's not hard to see how much time and money goes into caring for someone. Naturally, I felt I should give something back!

The blog will try to follow my attempts in preparation for the big day. Such items may include, training and exercising regimes as well as a look at what I am eating. Also it will follow any charity activities that I may have lined up!