Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Daily Wrap (26/2/2008)

I am slowly getting disillusioned about the marathon. It's not the actually running that's the problem. It's partly raising the funds. It's kind of stalled at the moment. It's also consuming a lot of my time. Today was just awful, case in point I snapped at someone for saying that they wouldn't sponsor me. Though later I explained the reason behind the marathon, I think he understood.
The earlier mentioned 'Circle Line Challenge' looks to have possibly hit the buffers because after a word with Macmillan, they suggest that I would need permission from the station and if I were to do any kind of public collection I would probably need a permit from the local authorities. I probably still do it anyways as a practice run.
Also when I got stuck on the way home, so I didn't get home to nearly 8:30pm. So that wrecked any chance of training tonight. I did get time to spend with my cat though. Like I said I've not had time for many other things.
I've raised so far 400 pounds and I don't see it climbing quickly. Help!

Exercising: 200 sit-ups
Running: 25 minute walking
Food: Milk/eggs, Weetabix minis, Quarter pounder with cheese meal, Caesar Salad, Chicken Kiev and baked potato.

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