Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Running Update

Well I've been on-off running. I run a couple of days and then go a week without running. So lacking a bit of inconsistency there. Working is mostly to blame for this. But it probably doesn't help neither socialising and hence drinking.
I'm currently just about getting over the 60 minute mark. The last two runs on Sunday and Monday were 80 and 60 respectively. Perhaps I overdid it really since I hadn't run since the previous Tuesday and now my right achilles is sore.
I am trying to build up upper body strength by doing some light weights. I will probably venture into a gym at some point.
No real plans on future runs at this stage. Possibly the Folkestone half-marathon. But the same old story, it'll probably come too soon for my liking. It's less than 3 weeks away.

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