Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Track Training

It's been the first time for a very long time that I have run on a track. I was lucky enough to be at a workplace that had an athletics track. So I had nice run round. Firstly, a little warm-up of 2 laps. I tried to run round one lap (400m) and it took me 1:15. Another jogging lap. Another 400m run of 1:24. Then a rest. A set of 5 laps in just under 10 minutes. A minute's rest. Another set of 5 laps in 11 minutes. Some sprints with someone else who was training. Another quick rest and then a last set of 11 laps in 23:40. So that's about 28 laps altogether. Conditions were a bit slippy, particularly in the inside lane. That made it very difficult turning. So I ran around in lanes 2 and 3 all the way round.

I am still trying to run twice a week. One long run on Sundays and a mix (like above) during the week. Plus I am hoping to get into the gym twice a week.